Saturday, November 12, 2016

How to move Oracle Binary (Oracle HOME) to new location.

This steps will introduce new location of oracle home. You have to apply patch after move binary home if patch already applied in your old binary home. Perform the following steps to move oracle home into new location.

1.  Install the Oracle Software in the new location (new Oracle Home).

2.  Stop the listeners and shutdown the database(s).

3.  Modify the location for the ORACLE_HOME in the oratab file.

4.  Change the location for the ORACLE_HOME in the listener.ora and tnsnames.ora files.

5.  Copy the pfile and/or spfile, orapwd files ($ORACLE_HOME/dbs) to new Oracle Home.

6.  Edit the database parameters using vi command such as background_dump_dest, user_dump_dest, control_files, diagnostic_dest (in Oracle 11g) and so on in the pfile/spfile to point to new Oracle Home.

7.  Change the login script or oraenv script (if exist) to reflect the new location for the Oracle Home.

8.  Modify the ORACLE_HOME and PATH environment variables into your bash profile scripts to reflect the new location.

9.  Start the database and listener.

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